We strive our utmost to help you obtain potentially life-saving colonoscopy examination.
The best proven method of diagnosing and preventing colon cancer is to undergo periodic colonoscopy examinations. In fact, the current expert consensus recommends that all individuals over the age of 50 periodically have this important examination. This recommendation stems from the fact that the current rate of colon cancer in the general population is at an alarming level and that screening colonoscopy is proven to be effective in preventing and avoiding death related to colon cancer. As a matter of fact, millions currently undergo colonoscopy annually in the U.S. Sadly, there are still more than 6 million individuals who still do not choose to have this potentially life-saving procedure. In fact, it is ironic that nearly twice as many still die annually from this preventable colon cancer in the U.S., compared to from motor vehicle accidents.
At the Los Angeles Endoscopy Center, we are committed to making this life-saving procedure within reach for as many individuals as possible. As a start, we offer examination performed by the best GI specialist, voted as the top 10 gastroenterologist in the state of California. He is fully licensed and board-certified with over 20 years of experience performing colonoscopy. Second, every procedure is performed following the exacting standard of CMS with full accreditation by Medicare licensing authority. Furthermore, we are proud to offer this colonoscopy examination at the lowest fee available anywhere in the country. This will be of great help for those without health insurance and/or those with high-deductible that can be near impossible to meet without concomitant catastrophic medical illness. We also provide appointments for colonoscopy at hours that are convenient for busy working individuals. For those who have a regular job and cannot take time out from work, we offer Saturday appointments that offer a perfect solution to working individuals. Finally, we are conveniently located near all major freeways in the heart of downtown Los Angeles. We even provide courtesy free parking as an added measure.
We believe that we have made this important medical examination within the reach for as many individuals as possible. We hope that more will take this opportunity and elect to undergo this important examination and go on to live a healthier and more productive life.