스콰디파티 - Squatty Potty
Hits: 2236
치질 - Hemorrhoid
Hits: 2342
식도암 - Esophageal Cancer
Hits: 2077
직장암 - Rectal Cancer
Hits: 2204
간암 - Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Hits: 2202
췌장암: 진단과 치료 - Pancreatic Cancer
Hits: 2044
대장검사 시술과정 - Demonstration of Colonoscopy
Hits: 2269
간경화 - Cirrhosis
Hits: 2189
대장암: 진단과치료 - Treatment of Colon Cancer
Hits: 2388
위암: 진단과 치료 - Stomach Cancer Treatment
Hits: 2289
과민성대장증후군 - Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Hits: 2353
염증성장질환 - Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Hits: 2640
유행성설사 - Infectious Colitis
Hits: 2348
대장용종제거 (중) - Colonic Polypectomy (Medium)
Hits: 2326
담석증 - Cholecystitis
Hits: 2384
십이지장궤양 - Duodenal Ulcer
Hits: 2574
종합건강검진 - Cancer Screening Guideline
Hits: 2298
맹장염 - Appendicitis
Hits: 2226
위암과 장상피화생 - Gastric Intestinal Metaplasia
Hits: 4254
고지혈증 - Cholesterol
Hits: 2686
지방간 - Fatty Liver
Hits: 2383
빈혈 - Anemia
Hits: 2416
위장 내출혈 - GI Bleeding
Hits: 2241
잠혈변검사 - Stool Guaiac Test
Hits: 2452
변비 - Constipation
Hits: 2474
위궤양 - Gastric Ulcer
Hits: 2897
대장용종 - Colon Polyp
Hits: 4939
대장용종 추적검사 - Follow Exam for Colon Polyp
Hits: 2866
C형간염 - Hepatitis C
Hits: 2456
유당불내증 - Lactose Intolerance
Hits: 2487
대장내시경검사 - Colonoscopy
Hits: 2823
대장내시경검사 준비방법 - Prep for Colonoscopy
Hits: 3545
위암 - Stomach Cancer
Hits: 2275
B형 간염 - Hepatitis B
Hits: 2691
역류성식도질환 - GERD
Hits: 8285
대장용종제거 (소) - Colonic Polypectomy (Small)
Hits: 2371
대장용종절제 (소) - Colon Polypectomy (Small)
Hits: 2503
위암과 헬리코박터균 - Stomach Cancer and H.pylori
Hits: 2382
내시경기구소독 - Sterilization Technique
Hits: 2392
대장암 - Colon Cancer
Hits: 2270
위내시경검사 - Upper Endoscopy
Hits: 2738
헬리코박터균 - Helicobacter pylori
Hits: 3966